
Friday, July 1, 2011

Cudda the Annihilator

Welcome to another enthralling installment of Story Time. This weeks submission was over facebook and asked for a yarn about a cat named Cudda, whom brings upon the zombie apocalypse! Now I'd like to remind readers that immediately following this post submissions for next weeks story will be open. Be sure to post your suggestions here or on my facebook (the link on the far right of your screen). Don't forget that multiple submissions are encouraged as I will attempt to mold them into one! I'm going to go ahead and keep the intro short this week so, be sure to follow the blog if you enjoy it!

Cudda the Annihilator

"MEEEEEEEEEEEEOOYYYYYYYYAAAAAAWWWWWNNNNNN," the nest of golden tufts rang out from the window sill of the bathroom, just as the earliest rays of sun began to rise through the eastern horizon. Pointed ears, which framed a whiskered face, emerged from the heap of fur; followed, slowly by legs and a tail, which a moment before had been a single, unidentifiable mass. As its gaping maw released another, "meeeeeeeeeeeooooyaaaaaaawn," the feline looked out the window at the world out side.
Soon, yes very soon, she thought, while leaping from the sill and into the empty bath basin below.
Her ears perked toward the doorway connecting her fortress to the hallway, the male primate approaches.
As he hurriedly entered the restroom his eyes caught sight of its current occupant.
"In or out cat?"
Ignorant humanoid; you dare issue commands to me?
HEr eyes' remained trained upon the intruder.
"Alright then," he replied while shutting the door, then proceeding to sit on the toilet.
What? What are you doing?
The rhetorical question was quickly answered as a vile smell penetrated the room.
Oh, you heathen!
The cat continued to stand in the tub, eyes glaring at the human whom shared it abode; indignation emanating from every fiber of its being.
"Well, I warned ya'."
Once the human had finished their business he opened the door to the rest of the house. A golden streak shot forth from the tub and towards the escape, pausing only to bite the heel of its captor.
"OW! Damn cat!"
Foolish monkey! Soon you will learn the might of Cudda! Now, for the next stage of my plan.
She made her way through the animal door in the kitchen, leading to the backyard of the property. The harvest moon approaches, if it is to rise red, I must move my plans forward with post haste. A right turn past the garage, quick hop onto the dumpster, followed by a bound to the woodpile. Taking a moment, to lay down and lick her hind legs for a moment, the ever clever Cudda surveyed the area, to assure no spectators were around to witness where else she was going. Confident she was alone, the tangle of gold fur slowly made her way down the open spaces of timber, until locating the rodent burrow at the bottom which had been long vacant of its original tenants.
The feline coursed its way through the subterranean lattices of its acquired fortress, until the tunnel deposited her in a much larger cavern located below the dwelling of its humanoids. The bones of its fallen sacrifices littered the floor of its secret cave; skulls of reptiles, birds, rodents and even small canines were systematically lined around the edge of her fortress.
Yes, the time is nigh; with the sacrifice of a young frightened rodent tonight, I shall assure the crimson nature of the harvest moon, which is necessary for my plan to work.
A soulless purr escaped the beast, wallowing in the remains of its victims.

The high pitched shriek rang through living room of the house.
"What the hell?" a surprised human exclaimed, stumbling their way from the bedroom to locate the source of the disturbance.
A crippled bunny was located within the treacherous claws of Cudda.
"Your not even gonna bring in a dead one? Damn cat!"
No human, you shall witness the moment your race was rendered obsolete.
The cry cut short as Cudda bit down upon the neck of its victim.
"Well that's just great! Your getting blood all over the floor!"
"ppuuuuuuuuuurrrrr," the herald of the end, responded to the humans protest.
"Gimme that damn thing," the human said, reaching for the slain mammal.
"HIIIIIIISSSSSS!" the cat responded, with the rabbits neck still in his mouth. Before the human could be offended by the cat's response, Cudda lept from the ground and onto his neck, driving her claws deep into his shoulder and neck.
"AAAGGGH!!!!" he screamed flailing about, but the effort was in vain, for the feline had already fled its perch and shot outside, while the bleeding man continued to thrash in consternation.
"I'm gonna kill your god damn satan cat!"
"No your not! Quit being mean to her!" responded a female from behind closed doors.
"Mean? I'm mean? She just attacked me for no reason!"
"Clearly your lying!"

Meanwhile, in its cadaverous cavern, the sinister Cudda was busy peeling the flesh from its fallen victim.
With the blood of the human under my claws, I now have the final offerings to bring about the crimson harvest! And with its coming I shall release a plague upon the twofeets' and prepare the world for the arrival of my lord and master Beelzekitty! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHHAHA!

"Well look who decided to come home tonight," the man spat as the cat entered the home.
"Oh my god really? She's been gone all day and as soon as she comes home your gonna start in on her! No wonder she hates you!" the female retorted for the four legged beast, incapable of verbal articulation.
Foolish primates. I hate both of you equally, however...the cat paused the thought while leaping upon the females lap and snuggling up...there are benefits to gaining the trust of sum.
"I don't wonder why she hates me! That cat is evil!"
"It's a cat! It can't be evil!"
"Oh what a load of horse crap! That damn things probably the reason the moons red tonight! Everything its killed!"
"The cat is the reason the moons red? ARe you serious right now? Do you realize how delusional you sound?"
"puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrr," went an amused Cudda.

The following morning began quite chaotic.
"A pigeon! You brought a damn pigeon into the house!"
Under the claws of the golden harbinger, was a pigeon in the height of panic.
"Your damn devil cat brought a pigeon into the house!" he bellowed to the female of the home.
"Ewwwwww!" she responded from an unseen corner, "is it dead?"
"I don't..." his response cut short as the mighty Cudda raised a blood splattered paw, and brought it down in a crushing blow upon the birds neck.
"Um....yeah I think it is!"
"Well get it out of the house!"
"Of course..." as he reached down to procure the felled avian, the sinister Cudda struck like lighting, swiping its right paw across the face of its foe.
Surprised, the man fell back, at a loss of words.
Victory is mine! The cat thought to itself as it bound across the sprawled human, claws claiming flesh with every step, before shooting out the door.
In a muffled string of profanities and curses the man rose, and picked up the dead pigeon from his living room floor. Carrying the corpse outside, he deposited it in the trash can and determined to himself to kill that cat the next time they met. But the sly Cudda remained in its subterranean base for the remainder of the day, waiting for the plague to begin.

Dinner came and went, but there was still no sign of the cat.
"What did you do to Cudda?"
"Nothing! That damn thing attacked me again and I haven't seen it sense."
"Quit scaring my cat!"
"Look, I haven't done anything mean to that damn cat! It just wants to kill me!"
"Seriously? Your still on this? I'm gonna call the psych ward on you if you keep prattling such nonsense."
"It's not nonsense!"
"Yes it is! Now take out the trash and go find my cat!"
As he made his way outside, with trash bag in hand the male human of the home, heard an odd rumbling in the garbage receptacle.
"OH I see! You went after that dead pigeon and got stuck in the trash can didn't you, you stupid cat?"
Upon opening the lid of the trash bin, he found his assumption had been grossly wrong; for no sooner was the seal removed, than a dead pigeon came hurling from the discarded contents of the basket; beak and feet tearing into the face of the unsuspecting man.
"OH GOD OH GOD! GET IT OFF GET IT OFF!!!!!" he screamed as the bird tore at his head.
Falling to the ground the avian finally relented its attack. Laying in a subtly growing puddle of his own blood the human male recognized a familiar golden blur which seemed to appear from nowhere. His breaths were fleeting, as the cat approached. When the two were staring eye to eye, the man's life finally escaped him; but then his change began. His incisors began to sharpen, his ears became pointed, his five O'clock shadow grew into some semblance of whiskers and his flesh seemed must more decayed than a mere moment before.
"Did you find my cat?" came a muffled voice from the house.

By: Michael Wilshire
Alright folks submissions are open!

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